I’m currently a registered Paramedic and have previously worked as an operational paramedic for more than 20 years with NSW Ambulance.
There were many times during my service when I thought there was a gap in our communities approach to death. Situations where people’s end of life experience could have been different if choices had been a possibility, allowing them to die consciously and with dignity. By serving my community as a doula, I aim to provide holistic non medical end of life planning and care.
I share my life with my partner and our combined four wonderful children. I love being outdoors and connecting with nature, however I especially love meeting and connecting with people.
"To have such a person, at such a time, is a great good fortune. To be that person, to have been such a person, is a heavy and blessed experience. Once in each lifetime, we are meant to be a blessing, an 'amicus' (doula) to another".
Gerda Lerner 1978 - A Death of One's Own